Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Port Blair - Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Leaving Port Blair for Little Andaman (Hut Bay)

Some interesting facts about these islands
  • Location: They are located off the eastern coast of India and politically they are a Union Territory of India.
  • Population: 3,60,000 ( Prior to the tsunami as per the 2001 census)
  • Area: 8248 sq. km (with the Andaman islands having the largest proportion of the total area covered by the 500 islands)
  • Capital: Port Blair
  • Main languages spoken: Hindi, Tamil, Telegu, Bengali and various other tribal languages and dialects.

How did these islands get their name?

*      The name Andaman is probably derived from the Malay word ‘Handuman’, a reference to the Hindu monkey god who is an important character in the legendary story of Lord Ram.
*      Nicobar is believed to mean ‘Land of the naked’. Many of the islands in this chain are still inhabited by the aboriginal people who live in isolation .

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